Thursday, April 18, 2013

Science lesson plans

Here are a few lesson plans for science lesson that could be used in your classroom:

Balloon activities- This lesson allows children to learn about air pressure and static electricity through the use of balloons. I think this would make it more interesting because children are familiar with balloons and so they can see how it relates to their lives.

We go together like oil and water- This lesson allows children to learn about how liquids mix(or in this case do not mix) together and how this process works. This would have a "wow" factor for kids because most of them will have never experienced two liquids that don't mix together. This could lead to some very interesting conversations.

Plant growth- This is a classic lesson to introduce children to the topic of plant growth, or the broader topic of biology. This will allow children to experience how different plants grow, and how to take care of them. The children could even take them home to keep the learning going!

Comet; not just a cleaning supply- This lesson will allow children to build their own comet. This would introduce students to the topic of space, and the objects in space.

I'm rubber, you're glue!- This lesson allows children to experience the process of making glue. This will hopefully lead to conversations about how glue works, and introduces the children to chemistry.

Lego; not just something painful to step on!- This lesson lets the children unleash their creative side by building Lego cars. This activity would probably have a high interest level for the kids.

Watch out! It's a dinosaur!- Everyone knows that children love dinosaurs! This lesson provides subject matter that interests kids, while introducing them to terms such as paleontology, reptiles, Jurassic, Triassic, and Cretaceous

Volcano!- This lesson will introduce children to chemical reactions. It shows the exciting side of science.

Get to the chopper!- Anyone can make a paper airplane. This lesson has children make a paper helicopter and test it in different scenarios. This can introduce children to important flight concepts such as lift.

Gravity and Water- Bend the rules of gravity with this science lesson. This can lead to a very interesting discussion about gravity and air pressure.

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